The effectiveness of Training Communication Skills with an Emphasis on the Teachings of Islam on Positive Psychological States and Emotional Divorce Wives of Veterans

Document Type : Original Research


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran


Background and Aim: Psychological and family problems are aggravated when one of the family members faces crises in life; Among these crises is the presence of a selfless person in the family. The present study was conducted with the aim of the effect of teaching communication skills with emphasis on the teachings of Islam on positive psychological states and emotional divorce of wives of self-sacrificing families.
Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design, a control group, and a statistical population consisting of wives of self-sacrificing families in Zahedan city in 2022. According to the entry criteria, 30 people were selected by direct sampling and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Research tools included questionnaires of positive psychological states (Rajaei et al., 2013) and emotional divorce (Gutman, 1998). The communication skills training program with an emphasis on the teachings of Islam was presented to the experimental group twice a week during 8 sessions of 1.5 hours, and the control group did not receive the training. Data were analyzed using chi-square tests and analysis of covariance in SPSS26 statistical software.
Results: The results showed no significant difference between the two groups in terms of age, education, and employment demographic variables (P<0.05). The results of covariance analysis showed that teaching communication skills with an emphasis on the teachings of Islam increased the scores of positive psychological states (P<0.001, F=73.804) and decreased the emotional divorce scores (P<0.001, F=15.166). Wives of self-sacrificing families have been effective.
Conclusion: Effective communication is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and when combined with Islamic teachings, it can foster greater understanding, compassion, and respect among family members. Therefore, teaching communication skills with an emphasis on the teachings of Islam has the potential to enhance positive psychological states and reduce emotional divorce among wives of self-sacrificing families.
