The Predicting Model Veteran's Quality of Life based on Schema Modes, Moral Injury, and Existential Anxiety

Document Type : Original Research


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Kuisf Branch, Isfahan, Iran


Background and Aim: Veterans are one of the sections of society that suffer various injuries in different dimensions of life due to physical problems, therefore their quality of life is affected more than any other factor. Therefore, the present research was conducted to investigate the model of predicting the quality of life of veterans based on schema modes, moral injury, and existential anxiety.
Methods: The current research is descriptive and correlational type. The statistical population studied included all the veterans covered by Shahid Foundation of Isfahan, and 320 veterans were selected from that. Quality of life questionnaire, schema modes, questionnaire, moral injury questionnaire, and existential anxiety questionnaire were used to measure research variables. Finally, the data were analized in SPSS software version 24, Lisrel version 11, and Amos version 26.
Results: The model for predicting the quality of life of veterans based on schema modes, moral injury, and existential anxiety is appropriate (P>0.01). Therefore, based on the results, it can be stated that the most important effective, and significant factor that has reduced the quality of life of the veterans in the 8 years of the holy defense is existential anxiety.
Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it can be inferred that by examining and developing treatment packages to reduce existential anxiety, it is possible to help improve the quality of life of veterans.
