Designing a Commercialization Model for Research Achievements at a Military University Research Institute by Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling

Document Type : Original Research


Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Today, in universities and research institutes, the lack of attention to commercialization makes it impossible or difficult to enter the markets for technology and research products. therefore, this study aims to design a commercialization model for research achievements of a military research institute.
Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was done in a cross-sectional study in 2019. The research population consists of senior, middle and operational managers, faculty, experts and researchers in a military research institute. The sampling was done by census method and number of 130 people. The data gathering tool is a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability have been confirmed. The composite reliability for each of the four domains (individual, intra-organizational, external organizational and communication) was higher than 0.7, indicating appropriate homogeneity or internal consistency. To collect and analyze quantitative data, a structural equation model based on partial least squares approach was performed with Smart-PLS3 software.
Results: The pattern of factors influencing the commercialization of academic research achievements was divided into four groups of 60 factors: individual intra-organizational, external organizational and communication. According to the research findings in the final model of the research, the correlation was significant for all dimensions and the communication factors had the lowest correlation (0.880) and intra-organizational (0.971) the highest correlation. To ensure the quality of the measurement model, positive values of the cv-com index represent the appropriate quality of the measurement model.
Conclusion: Governments and other effective institutions with formulas and facilitating and accelerating policies should move universities towards a model of knowledge-based commercialization by adopting smart measures. On the other hand, universities are pursuing strategies such as holding joint conferences and meetings with industry to increase the relevance and awareness of the parties' needs and capabilities in the path of commercialization.


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