Identification and Prioritization of the Sports Fields Selection Criteria with the public sports development approach (Case Study: Islamic Republic of Iran Army)

Document Type : Original Research


PhD Student of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, The head of academy of Army sport, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: In recent years, many efforts have been made to develop public sports in Iran. The purpose of this study was to identifying and prioritizing the sports fields selection criteria with public sports development approach in Islamic republic of Iran army.
Methods: All experts of the physical education department of Army in Tehran, Iran were a sample of qualitative stage, 12 of whom were interviewed in a purposeful and accessible method and completed the interviews with theoretical saturation. Data analysis with thematic analysis technique identified 6 main themes and 22 sub themes. The quality of the findings was confirmed by verifying of the participants and calculating the reliability coefficient of the coding. The statistical population of the quantitative phase consisted of the managers and deputies of the physical education units of army forces and sport officers in Tehran, 25 of whom completed a paired comparisons questionnaire based on qualitative findings.
Results: Analysis of data by AHP method in Expert Chase 11 software showed that the priority of the main criteria were cost (0.402), space (0.228), applicability (0.123), training capability (0.112), attractiveness (0.091) and versatility (0.043). Also, in the sub-criteria, low infrastructure capital (0.191), cheap individual equipment (0.109) and the need for flexible space (0.108) were the top three priorities. Consistency of the comparisons was confirmed by calculating the inconsistency rate (<0.1).
Conclusion: The current findings can be used to launch public sports activities and disciplines in different areas in the Army.
