Simulation, a Strategy for Empowering Military Nursing Students in the Field of Radioactive Accident Casualty Management

Document Type : Short Communication


1 Military Nursing Department, Nursing Faculty, Aja University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Nursing Care Research Center, Clinical Sciences Institute, Nursing Faculty, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Emergency preparedness for radiation accidents is essential, and the need to design and facilitate various progressive exercises to increase preparedness in these accidents has been emphasized. Using the demonstration method with simulation is an effective teaching method in this field. To train military nursing master's students in caring for radiation victims, a plan was made to visit a specialized clinic for radiation victim care. The students received necessary training through simulation.
Methods: This article presents the findings of a case study conducted through field operations, data organization, and description of data collected during the natural course of an event by researchers. Observation and description were the primary elements of this study, and observation and interview techniques were utilized to gather the necessary knowledge and insights about the information.
Results: Radiation casualty care training was presented to the students using a simulation method with combined casualties (trauma and radiation contamination) by an expert from the radiation care clinic. After triage and complete decontamination, the hypothetical victim was transferred to the inpatient ward to monitor clinical symptoms and receive the necessary medical and nursing care. The design of specialized centers for the care and treatment of nuclear and radiation victims is somewhat different from other hospitals and medical centers. These centers have a special section for installing decontamination devices and a separate sewage system for storing polluted water. Also, the staff involved in providing medical care to radiation victims should be equipped with the required scientific ability and practical skills and be prepared to face radiation accidents.
Conclusion: Considering the importance and necessity of field training and presence in real arenas facing critical conditions and war, and in order to improve the level of education and skills of military nursing master's students, it is recommended that necessary planning and coordination be made for the presence and participation of students in medical centers, related institutions, and similar missions in the future.
