Examining the Efficiency of Shahid Soleimani`s Plan Regarding COVID-19 from the Viewpoint of Service Providers

Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of Health Care Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Health Care Management, Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

3 Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: In recent years, the coronavirus disease has caused many problems in the field of health, and contracting this disease led to the hospitalization, death, and disability of many people. One of the ways to control this disease in Iran is the implementation of Shahid Soleimani's plan with the aim of reducing the hospitalization rate, death, and disability, supporting groups at risk. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of Shahid Soleimani's plan in controlling the coronavirus disease.
Methods: The present study is a quantitative research. According to the purpose of the research, it is in the category of applied research, and in terms of the research design, it is one of the cross-sectional studies that was carried out between 2020 and 2022. The population of this study included healthcare workers in the Corona sector in 5 parts of the North, South, East, West, and Central of the country, and 360 people were selected from among them using cluster sampling. The research tool is a standard questionnaire whose validity and reliability were determined based on Cronbach's alpha of 0.88. Data analysis was done using SPSS-24 and AMOS-20 software.
Results: The results of standard coefficient and t statistic (R2=0.34, t=5.28) and the results of structural equation modeling (P<0.001, β≤0.3) showed that the provision of primary health care services on the control of Corona in Iran had a direct impact.
Conclusion: Shahid Soleimani's plan, with public participation and inter-sectoral coordination in the care, support, and monitoring areas, by carrying out measures such as vaccination, and early identification of patients, led to a reduction in hospitalization, mortality and in general the management and control of COVID-19.
