Developing Resilience Protocol with a Preventive Approach, and Its Effectiveness on Stress, Psychological Well-Being, and Resilience of Officer Understudies

Document Type : Original Research


1 Research Center for Cognitive & Behavioral Sciences in Police, Directorate of Health, Rescue & Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran

2 Research Institute of Law Enforcement Sciences and Social Studies, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Expanding resilience and educating stress adapting abilities in police forces, particularly amid the understudy period, can act as a mental wellbeing protection calculate not as it were amid the understudy period but moreover amid the service period. Subsequently, the reason of this research was to create a multidimensional resilience protocol with a preventive approach and its effectiveness on stress, mental well-being and resilience of officer understudies.
Methods: The research in the first stage is descriptive and was conducted using the Delphi method. In the first step of the protocol validity, the content validity index (CVI) of the sessions was used quantitatively based on the experts' opinions. CVI was calculated by evaluating the opinions of 10 experts (one religious expert) in 4 phases for each step. The second step was a quasi-experimental research with a control group, and the investigated population included all the students of one of the officer and police training universities in Tehran in 1401. The resilience training protocol was actualized in the experimental group (15 individuals) in 12 sessions of 90 minutes and at the end of the study in the control group (15 individuals). The research instruments were Connor's resilience questionnaire, Riff's mental well-being, and depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21). A resilience checklist was also used for screening (cut point 110). Data were analyzed using SPSS v24 software.
Results: The results of the content validity analysis showed that considering that the CVI value of each of the items or steps related to resilience training was not less than 0.70, the training contents are suitable for the title of each training step. Also, the results of multivariate covariance analysis showed that the resilience training protocol significantly increased (P<0.05) psychological well-being (P=0.001 and F=47.8) and resilience (P=0.003 and F=10.7), and significantly reduced stress (P=0.002 and F=11.6) in the tested group.
Conclusion: The multidimensional resilience training protocol, which was developed with a preventive approach, had good content validity, and it is effective in improving psychological well-being and resilience and reducing the stress of officer students, and its' booklet can be used in military medical and educational centers.
