Investigating the Relationship between Mental Workload, Job Burnout, Job Satisfaction, Resilience, and Sleep Disorders: A Research among Nurses

Document Type : Original Research


1 Health Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Healthcare providers have a high workload due to different work shifts, so they are always exposed to increasing sleep disorders, decreasing resilience, and thus decreasing job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental workload, job burnout, job satisfaction, resilience, and sleep disorders among nurses in 2021.
Methods: Research tools included demographic information questionnaire, NASA-TLX questionnaire, Maslach job burnout questionnaire (MBI), Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire (MSQ), Petersburg sleep quality questionnaire, and resilience questionnaire (CD. RSC). The data were analyzed using SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 24 software.
Results: In this study, 171 women (62.4%) and 103 men (37.6%) were examined. Based on the fit indices (χ2/df=1.650, RMSEA=0.049, TLI=0.906, CFI=0.912), a good fit was observed between the model and the data. The results indicate that mental workload has a positive and significant effect on job burnout (P<0.001, β=0.202). Also, the negative effect of mental workload on resilience (P<0.001, β=0.334) and job satisfaction (P<0.001, β=0.356) have been accepted. The results confirm the positive effect of mental workload on sleep disorders (β=0.166, P<0.05). In addition, the results showed that job burnout has a positive effect on sleep disorders (β=0.153, P<0.05).
Conclusion: It is suggested that with proper planning, training, and management of the factors investigated in this study, it is possible to play an important role in increasing the health of nurses and consequently improving their services to patients.
