Evaluation of a Method for Causing Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

Document Type : Original Research


1 Trauma Research Center, Clinical Sciences Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran

3 National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the prevalent cause of mortality, morbidity. We need to do more research on the animal model to study this injury in detail. So, this study aimed to create a moderate TBI model with a pendulum in male rats.
Methods: In this study, 14 male Wistar rats weighing 230±10 grams were prepared and kept in the laboratory environment for one week to adapt to the laboratory conditions. Grouping was done randomly in two groups the control and the trauma group. To create TBI, a pendulum with a weight of 10 kg and a length of 40 cm was made with steel profiles of 2 cm. The force on the skull caused a moderate brain injury. Then, the mice were tested by examining their behavior (Morris blue puzzle test) and using a microCT-Scan.
Results: In the study of the images obtained from the CT scan by comparing the two groups, moderate subdural brain damage was confirmed in the trauma group (P<0.001). The first week was for training and learning the mice in the environment of this experiment. The learning process was carried out during the first week when the duration of finding the glass platform of each mouse was recorded on different days. Further investigation of the behavior of rats in the trauma group showed that the average duration of finding the platform increased compared to the control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The device designed in this study could create a rat brain trauma model, so it is hoped that this device can be used in other studies.
