The Effect of Managerial Coaching on Turnover Intention Nurses Working in Corona Patient Departments: A Mediating Role of Work Engagement and Self-Efficiency among Nurses (Case Study: Nurses of a Military Hospital)

Document Type : Original Research


Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Background and Aim: Turnover Intention is an introduction to job turnover, and leaving the organization is costly for the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to address the factors that lead to the reduction of this phenomenon in the prevalence of coronary disease in hospitals. This study investigates the effect of managerial coaching on the turnover intention with the mediating role of work engagement and self-efficacy among nurses working in coronary patient’s departments.
Methods: The research method is descriptive- survey. From the statistical population, 130 people were selected based on Morgan table by simple random sampling method and data were collected from a standard questionnaire based on the Likert scale. The reliability of the questionnaires was obtained using Cronbach's alpha in the range of (0.81-0.93). To analyze the research data, structural equation modeling using SMART-PLS version 2 software was used.
Results: The results of this study showed that managerial coaching negatively affects the turnover Intention nurses. Also, the role of mediator work engagement and self-efficacy was confirmed in the effect of managerial mentoring on the turnover Intention, in other words, managerial coaching indirectly, through self-efficacy and work engagement, also reduces job turnover Intention nurses.
Conclusion: The results showed that managers who appear in the role of coach in organization reduce tend to the number of nurses 'turnover and increase nurses' work engagement and self-efficacy. The total of these factors reduces the cost of nursing careers. Therefore, it's a good idea for organizations to persuade their managers to engage in coaching behaviors within the organization.


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