Evaluation of Knowledge and Preventive Behaviors of Medical Personnel Working in Military Clinics of COVID-19 Disease

Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of Nursing, Abadan University of Medical Sciences, Abadan, Iran

2 Student Research Committee, Shoushtar Faculty of Medical Science, Shoushtar, Iran

3 Department of Health, Shoushtar Faculty of Medical Sciences, Shoushtar, Iran


Background and Aim: COVID-19 is a deadly disease and treatment personnel have an important role in the care and control of this disease. The prerequisite for this care is infection control measures with good knowledge and practice in this field. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the knowledge and practice of medical personnel in military clinics in Abadan in 2020.
Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 50 treatment personnel (nurse, operating room) participated in the census by informed consent. The data collection tool in this field was a self-made questionnaire of knowledge and practice of preventive behaviors. Scores are divided into three levels: good (above 24), medium (13-14), weak (below 13). Validity and reliability of this questionnaire have also been done. Data were analyzed using statistical tests and SPSS-22 software.
Results: The results showed that the mean of knowledge of participants was 7.98 ± 1.13 and the level of performance of preventive behaviors was 56.88 ± 13.71; the level of knowledge of 34 people (68%) and the level of performance of 29 people (58%) among the participating personnel were reported as good and there was no statistically significant relationship between the two variables (P> 0.05).
Conclusion: The present study showed that medical Personnel military have a high level of knowledge and practice of preventive behaviors of COVID-19, however, interventions and training programs are necessary for health care workers.


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