Clarifying the Concept of the Readiness of the Military Nurse at the War: Analyzing the Concept with the Rogers Approach

Document Type : Original Research


1 School of Nursing, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Trauma Research Center, School of Nursing, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Military Nursing trains nurses in peacetime and provides relief in crises and natural disasters. However, this readiness must always be present in military nurses who are able to be effective on the battlefield in the event of war to save their lives, the wounded and others present. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the concept of military nurses' readiness for war.
Methods: In this study, Rogers evolutionary approach was used to clarify the concept of military nurses' readiness for war. For this purpose, Web of Sciences, Science direct Proquest, Magiran Iran Medex, SID, Pubmed, Scopus databases were searched using the keywords military nurse, readiness, war and its English equivalents that find 536 articles. Finally, after reviewing the articles, 12 articles were selected for the study.
Results: In this study, the characteristics of the concept of military nurses' readiness for war in the dimensions of psychological readiness, clinical readiness and managerial readiness were identified. Priorities included a variety of training, sufficient experience, specialized courses, orientation sessions and military camps, and consequences such as saving the lives of the wounded, better advancing the healing process, allocating resources and facilities, adapting to the conditions of war and teamwork.
Conclusion: The findings of the study identified the concept of military nurses' readiness for war and showed that this concept has a complex, permanent, diverse and dynamic nature and military nurses play an important role in providing care to the wounded, including providing quality care on the battlefield. Plays loss reduction. Knowing the characteristics, antecedents and consequences of the concept of military nurses' readiness for war, promotes the position, importance and application of this concept in the military nursing profession and is an exploratory tool for further study and research and expand the body of knowledge in this field.


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