Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in a Sample of the Iranian Military

Document Type : Original Research


1 Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Nursing, School of Nursing & Midwifery Amol, Mazandaran University of Medical sciences, Sari, Iran

3 Research Institute of Ethics and Psychology, University of Quran and Hadith, Qom, Iran

4 Exercise Physiology Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: The psychological health and well-being of military personnel affect their performance at the individual and national levels. One of the variables that can affect mental health and improve the quality of life of military personnel is happiness. In order to assess the level of military happiness or to evaluate the related educational and medical interventions, standardized tools are needed. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in the military.
Methods: This study was a descriptive methodological study. For this purpose, three military units in Tehran were selected by available sampling. Then 403 servicemen were selected by available sampling and completed the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, NEO Personality Questionnaire (60-NEO) and the researcher-made demographic questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation by SPSS-22 and Amos-22 software.
Results: The results of exploratory data analysis showed that the Persian version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in the military has a four-factor structure (life satisfaction, welfare, sociality, control and self-efficacy). Together, these four factors accounted for 41% of the variance in happiness. These factors were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (RAMSEA = 064, CFI = 0.91, FIF = 0.92). The face validity of the test was also confirmed. The results of convergent validity showed that all sub-components and total score of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire and Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (r = 0.56, P < /em> <0.001) and Neo Personality Questionnaire (extroversion subscale) had a positive and significant correlation (r = 0.59, P <0.001). Divergent validity was also confirmed through a significant negative correlation between the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire and the Neo Personality Questionnaire (Neuroticism subscale) (r = -0.61, P < /em> <0.001). The reliability results of the questionnaire with the test-retest method during two weeks (0.79-0.82) and internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha (0.84) showed the time reliability and good internal consistency of this instrument.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that the Persian version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in the military has good validity and reliability and can be used to measure happiness and psychological studies in the military.


: 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. : 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5. 1. Peterson C, Seligman M E P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.2004. 2. Shogren K A, Lopez S J, Wehmeyed M L, Little T D, Pressgrove C L. The role of Positive Psychology constructs in predicting life satisfaction in adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities: exploratory study. The journal of positive psychology.2006; 1(1):37-59. 3. Snyder C R , Lopez S G. Positive Psychology, New York Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.2007. 4. Karwoski GMG .on the integration of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and positive psychology. j cogn psychology .2006:20(2):162-6. 5. Sepehrian-Azar F , Mohammadi N , Badalpoor Z, Norozzadeh V. The Relationship between Hope and Happiness with Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Care.2016; 18( 1), 37-44. 6. Duckworth A L, Steen T A, Seligman M. Positive psychology in Clinical practice. Annual review of Clinical psychology.2005; 1, 629-951. 7. Bradburn, N. The structure of psychological wellbeing.1996. Chicago: Aldine. 8. Lyubomirsky S, Lepper H S. A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social Indicators Research.1999 ; 46, 137-155. 9. Joseph S, Linley P A, Harwood J, Lewis C A, McCollam P. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale(SDHS. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice).2004; 77, 463-478. 11. Argyle M, Martin M, Crossland J. Happiness as a function of personality and social encounters.1989. In J. P. Forgas & J. M. Innes (Eds), Recent advances in social psychology: An international perspective, (pp. 189-203). North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers. 12. Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: A compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.2002; 33, 1071-1082. 13. Francis L J, Brown L B, Lester D, Philipchalk R. Examination of the reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Personality and Individual Differences.1998; 24, 167–171. 14. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran. The Spanish Journal of Psychology.2008; 11(1):310-313. 15. Hadinejad M,Zareie F. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Psychological research.2009; 12(2), 62-76. 16. Alipour A, Agah Heris M. Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians. Developmental Psychology. Iranian Psychologists. 2007; 3(12): 287-298. 17. Wren TA, Sheng M, Bowen RE, et al. Concurrent and discriminant validity of Spanish language instruments for measuring functional health status. J Pediatr Orthoped. 2008;28(2):199–212. 18. khodadadi sangdeh J , Ahmadi kh, Amoosti F. Family factors that interfere with healthy of military families: A qualitative study. Journal of military Psychology.2015; 6( 21), 51-62. 19. Comrey Andrew L, Lee HB. A first course in factor analysis. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013. 20. Najafi M, Dehshiri Gh , Dabiri S, Sheikhi M. Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire among College Students.2013. Educational Measurement.2013; 3(10), 55. 21. Bayani A, Koocheky M, Goodarzi H.The realibility and validity of the satisfaction with life scale.journal of Iranian psychology.2007;3(11). 22. Anisi, J. Validity and reliability of NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) on university students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 5(4): 351-355 23. Broder H.L, McGrath C, Cisneros G.J. Questionnaire development: face validity and item impact testing of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 8-19. 24. Floyd FJ, Widaman KF. Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments. Psychol Assess. 1995;7(3):286–99. 25. Abedi M R, Mirshah Jafari E, Liaghatdar M J. Standardization of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in Students of Isfahan University. IJPCP. 2006; 12 (2):95-100. 26. Liaghatdar M J, Jafari M, Abedi M R, Samiee F. Reliability and Validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory among University Students in Iran.The Spanis JournalofPsychology.2008 ;11(1):310-313. 27. Singh K, Shalimi DJ. Positive and negative affect, and grit as predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 2008; 34:40-5. 28. Maltaby J, Day L, Mccutcheon LE, Gillett R, Houran J, Ashe DD. Personality and coping: A context for examining celebrity worship and mental health. British Journal of Psychology. 2004; 95(4):411-28. doi: 10.1348/0007126042369794 29. Lee SB. P02-243 life satisfaction, depression and for Korean elderly people. European Psychiatry. 2011; 26(1):839. doi: 10.1016/ s0924-9338(11)72544-5