Effect of Rhythmic Neural, Musculoskeletal Exercises on Sleep Quality in Armed Forces Retirement

Document Type : Original Research


1 Mazandaran University

2 Exercise Physiology Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences


Background and Aim: Due to the increasing number of Armed Forces Retirement and an increase in the number of cases of sleep disorder by age, sleep disorder is a common problem in the Armed Forces Retirement. For Armed Forces Retirement, the disease and its treatment can have long-term negative effects on their Relaxation Deepening and sleep Quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Rhythmic Neural, Musculoskeletal Exercises on the Relaxation Deepening and sleep Quality in the Armed Forces Retirement.
Methods: The present study had a semi-experimental design and used pre-tests and post-tests. A total of 60 Armed Forces Retirement (60-70 years), were randomly assigned into two groups of 30 (experimental group: 30 men; control group: 30 men). During 12 sessions, Patients were treated 3 times weekly with Rhythmic Neural, Musculoskeletal Exercises. Heart rate, blood pressure, hands grip strength, flexibility, Berg balance scale, quality of sleep were measured before and after the exercise program.
Results: The results of covariance test showed that some of physiological factors such as heart rate, blood pressure, balance scales and flexibility and the quality of sleep subscales Improved after Practice sessions in Armed Forces Retirement. But Hands grip strength were not significantly improved in experimental compared with control group (P-value <0.05).
Conclusion: The findings indicated that application of rhythmic neural, musculoskeletal exercises can improve some of physiological factors and quality of sleep in the Armed Forces Retirement.


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