The Health Status of Rohingya Refugees, a Systematics Review

Document Type : Review


1 Army

2 PhD Student of Health in Emergencies and Disasters, Aja University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aims: The crisis of Rohingya Muslim refugees has become one of the challenging issues of the last decade. The organized massacre of Rohingya people in Myanmar has forced them to relocate to Bangladesh, creating the world's largest refugee camp. The purpose of this study is to assess the health status of these refugees.
Methods: The present study was conducted using a systematic review method. The keywords Rohingya, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bruma, and their combinations have been searched in international databases regardless of the time period. Finally, 42 papers were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: An evaluation of papers related to the health status of Rohingya Muslims showed that these refuge facing different types of health problems at Cox’s Bazar camp. Lack of basic health equipment and resources such as safe drinking water, high prevalence of infectious diseases, lack of food security, social constraints, mental issue, high rates of behavioral violence, as well as poor health conditions of pregnant women are some of the Rohingya Muslims health difficulties.
Conclusion: The various health problems of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh indicate the emergency need of accelerating humanitarian aid delivery to these people in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.


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