Providing an Evaluation Model for Service Recipient Support in Accreditation of Police Hospitals: A Mixed-Method Study

Document Type : Original Research


1 Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch

2 Health Services Management, Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Tarbiat Modares University

4 Iran University of Medical Sciences (School of Health Management and Information Sciences)


Background and Aim: Police hospitals provide specialized and general care services to staff, soldiers, and the public, according to their main mission, which is to support police missions in different situations. Some clients of these hospitals have rights that need to be considered due to special circumstances. This study aimed to design and validate the evaluation model of service recipient supports in accreditation of police hospitals.
Methods: The present study was a mixed-method conducted in three phases in 2020 includes library, qualitative, and Delphi phases. At the first, using the appropriate keywords and a thorough review of the literature in the main databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, related military websites, as well as existing documents and instructions, all sources related to the support of the recipient in public and Police hospitals were identified. Also, to identify more structures, infrastructures, and standards, 9 policymakers and officials of the Department of Health, rescue and treatment were interviewed and after analyzing them, the initial questionnaire of the evaluation model of service recipient support in police hospitals was designed. Then the validity of the model was confirmed using the Delphi method and a survey of 45 experts and key informants in police hospitals by descriptive statistics.
Results: The proposed model was presented for evaluating the service recipient supports in police hospitals in four main dimensions include providing the necessary facilities for special services recipients, planning and managing medical councils and medical services, the satisfaction of clients, patients, and their families with services and the charter of patients' rights to special clients.
Conclusion: This study led to the design of an evaluation model for service recipients in Police hospitals in the form of 4 dimensions and 15 indicators that can be used as a comprehensive tool and complementary to current evaluation methods such as national accreditation standards of Iranian hospitals, evaluates the service recipients in these hospitals.


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