Structure, Characteristics and Components of COVID-19 Surveillance System

Document Type : Original Research


Research Center of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran


Background and Aim: Surveillance has defined the systematic collection, continuous, analysis and interpretation of health-related information required for the planning, implementation, and assessment of public health performance. This study was aimed to determine the standard structure and components of COVID-19 surveillance and comparison with the Iranian present surveillance system to identify unforeseen components or need to be reviewed, weaknesses, strengths, and providing appropriate solutions.
Methods: In this qualitative study, two methods were used: a) reviewing the published guidelines of COVID-19 disease by the Iranian Center for Disease Control, from the beginning of the outbreak to April 19, 2020, and b) The opinion of experts and researchers. The standard structure and components of the COVID-19 surveillance (what standard surveillance must have) were compared with the components of the current surveillance system (what it has).
Results: We found five main structures and 29 components and many various sub-components of the standard surveillance system for COVID-19. According to expert’s comments by comparing the standard surveillance with the current surveillance system, the components related to psychiatric and psychological aspects, epidemiological surveillance, standard precautions, especially for the health workers in close contact with the patient, reporting and social surveillance need to be revised or improved in the current guideline.
Conclusion: Epidemiologic surveillance is the most imperative and effective structure for COVID-19 control. Evaluation indicators are recommended to measure the ability and efficiency of the surveillance system, and also the evidence-based decision-making for appropriate disease control.


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