Physical Fitness Status of scholarship Female Students in a Military Medical Center

Document Type : Original Research


Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran


Background and Aim: Determining and evaluating the status of physical fitness of forces is important, as consequently it can provide accurate planning for the development of physical fitness factors, promotion of healthy lifestyles and the provision of desirable services in the area of assigned tasks. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the level of physical fitness of female college students in a military-medical center.
Methods: In descriptive cross-sectional study 75 female scholarship students in the military-medical center, Tehran, Iran take part as study sample. After initial medical evaluation and exclusion of illness person or with special problems, the health physical activity and medical history questionnaires were completed by the subjects. Anthropometric tests (height, weight, and body mass index) and physical fitness tests including body composition (body composition analysis), trunk muscle endurance (sit up test) and upper body muscle endurance (push up test), flexibility (sit and reach), cardiovascular endurance (shuttle-run test) and agility (4×9 test) were performed by physical education specialists.
Results: The body mass index was 21.84 kg­/­m2 and body fat was 28.04 percent. The mean of sit-up and push up tests were 40 and 29.74 repetition, respectively. The mean record of 35.62 cm for flexibility, 25.34 ml/kg/min for cardiovascular endurance, and 12.20 seconds for 4×9 agility test were obtained.
Conclusion: The body mass index of female students was in the normal range, but their body fat percentage was in very poor condition. The subject's record in cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and agility factors was poor.
