Comparison of the Protective Effect of Aluminum in the Laminate and Network Mode against Electromagnetic Radiation with a Selective Frequency of 900 MHz

Document Type : Original Research


1 Associate Professor, Health Research Center, Life style institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Baghitalah university


Background and Aim: Electromagnetic waves consist of a combination of two perpendicular magnetic and electrical fields that do not require a material environment to propagate. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation in different occupations can increase tissue heat and damage to the health of individuals. The aim of this study was to determine the ability of a protective layer made of aluminum metal in the sheet and net mode to reduce electromagnetic radiation.
Methods: This study was a descriptive-interventional study with a laboratory method in 2016. In this study, a non-ionizing radiation generator used to create electromagnetic waves at 900 MHz to radiate on the aluminum layers in sheet and net shapes in the same laboratory conditions. The wavelength of the aluminum metal was measured using anelectromagnetic radiation measuring apparatus. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18 software.
Results: The findings showed that electromagnetic waves in laboratory conditions of aluminum are less than that of the lattice. The aluminum network with a 1 mm pore size is more potent than the ratio of the network with 5 mm pores in reducing the transmission of waves with a frequency of 900 MHz.
Conclusion: The behavior of radio waves varies in different frequencies. In general, with increasing thickness, the ability to protect against the passage of waves increases very slightly. The aluminum network has less power compared to its laminar mode for electromagnetic waveguide protection at a wavelength of 900 MHz.
