Assessment of Dental Treatment Needs in Chemically Veterans in Zanjan, Iran

Document Type : Original Research


1 Assistant professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iarn

2 Assistant professor of Oral Medicine, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran

3 General Dentist, Zanjan, Iran


Background and Aim: Oral health is an essential component of general health status which has an impact on physical and psychological health. Due to the importance of oral health, limited study in the field of dental problems among veterans and also the high number of chemically injured veterans, this study was conducted in order to determine the prevalence of dental treatment needs in chemically injured veterans in Zanjan, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using Cluster Random Sampling. After coordination with the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs the veterans who met the criteria were examined by an oral medicine specialist in the oral medicine ward of the Zanjan University of Medical Sciences with the aid of examination devices. Identification data for veterans, past medical history and their current treatment needs based on teeth number and type of dental treatment, were recorded in the questionnaire (standard WHO 2007) and were analyzed by SPSS 16.
Results: The project was done on 141 patients with the mean age of 50.7±34.6 years (maximum 79 and minimum 42 years). Dental treatment needs were as follow: root canal treatment 78%, filling 73.8%, extraction 73.8% and prosthesis 34.8%.
Conclusion: A large number of veterans were in need of dental treatment mainly root canal therapy and dental extractions. This fact emphasis the need of periodic checkups and dental care for them.
