Survey of Client Satisfaction of an Urban Health Center Affiliated With a Military Unit in 2015

Document Type : Original Research


1 North East Health Center NAZSA Iran, Mashad

2 Associate Professor, Department of Medical Surgical, School of Nursing, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Iran ,Tehran

3 azad university, nyshaboor branch, Iran.

4 azad university, Bojnord branch


Background and Aim: Personal satisfaction is one of the most important elements of evaluation of service quality in health centers. In this study, we examined the patients’ satisfaction in an urban health center affiliated with a military unit.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 387 clients were examined in an urban health center in Bojnord, Iran in 2015. Participants were military employees and their families that with convenience sampling were examined over a 2-week period. For data collecting, a demographic questionnaire and a validated investigator-developed satisfaction questionnaire related to various sectors of the clinic such as general and specialized clinics, the laboratory and the dentist clinic were used. Results were analyzed by SPSS 16.
Results: A total of 387 cases were assessed. Of these, 53.7% of patients were males and 56.4% of patients were soldiers. Overall 74.42 % of the patients were satisfied with healthcare services. Satisfaction in general and specialized clinics was 77.42 %, in the laboratory, 86.77 % and in the dentist clinic, 68%. The highest percentage of satisfaction was in retirees (72.91%) and the lowest satisfaction was in families of staff (66.99%).
Conclusion: Satisfaction with general and specialized clinics and Para-clinical was relatively good. Satisfaction with the dental clinic was average. Satisfaction may be increased with a modified admission process, by providing on time and high-quality service with specialist healthcare professionals, improving effective communication and on time and clear information, fulfilling obligations and raising the level of public services.
