Investigating and Designing a Model for Influencing Factors in the Production of Knowledge in an Institute of Military Medical University: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Document Type : Original Research


1 Assistant Professor, Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty Member, Department of Paramedical, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran

3 PhD candidate, Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: In the present era, knowledge is one of the most important sources of competitive advantage for individuals and the organizations. Quality of health care and health promotion are also strongly dependent on the production of knowledge. Medical universities and research centers responsible for producing science and sustainable development of countries are responsible for the authorities to do so. Actually, identifying the factors affecting the production of knowledge is of particular importance. Therefore, this study aimed to Investigate and design a model for the influencing factors in the production of knowledge.
Methods: This study used a descriptive correlation based on confirmatory factor analysis. Researchers, faculty members and the students of a military institute were considered as the society of this research. Samples were gathered by using the census method. After collecting the data, descriptive statistics were done using the SPSS 18 software and analytical statistics with confirmatory factor analysis were performed by using the Amos software 18.
Results: A total of 49 subjects participated in the study. Among them, 63.3% were male with 25 years of experience and 200 published articles. The results indicates that the structural model fitted in accordance with the conceptual 'model (0.048=RMSEA, RMR=0.055, GFI=0.86, AGFI=0.76).
Conclusion: The results of the confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the independence of the researchers, colleagues’ cooperation, management style, and rewards are highly important factors compared to the other variables in the production of knowledge. It is essential that the above mentioned variables be considered with priority in decision-making and strategy settings.
