Application of Schemeer's Stakeholder Analysis to Design an Accreditation Model in Iranian Hospitals

Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of Health Services Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, School of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Health Services Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services Management, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Quality in health services is a level of health services provided to individuals and communities which increases the likelihood of the desired health outcomes and is in accordance with the day's professional knowledge. The world's health systems, design and implement miscellaneous regulators including periodical and continuous accreditations of hospitals through governance patterns and tools. To guarantee the quality of such tools, it is necessary to always benefit from the stakeholders' analytical skills, i.e., analytical understanding of individuals and organizations that have an efficient role in the process of hospital reforms so as to get effective and accurate information. The present study was designed and implemented with the aim of identifying This applied study was implemented through a "descriptive-comparative" method based on Kammi Schmeer's 8-step model of stakeholder analysis within 4 executive design phases with the multistage participation and survey of 29 domestic experts working on various technical and executive (line and staff) levels relevant to the country's accreditation systems of public and private hospitals.

Results: Contrary to expectations, the analytical composition of the stakeholders in the "evaluation pattern of Iranian public and private hospitals" was not limited to the participation of only two ministries and health insurance organizations. The application of the selected model led to the identification of 17 groups of stakeholders in the order of importance at all levels of the Iranian health system. This could guarantee the universal coverage of services at regional, provincial, and national levels in case of their effective operational partnerships in both "absolute and conditional" states.

Conclusion: The Kammi Schmeer's model recommended by the World Health Organization used in this research could provide a suitable scientific identification tool and administrative support for an indigenous design and deployment of an accreditation model of public and private hospitals in Iran. Obviously, only in case of the effective structural and/or operational interactions of all organizations, ministries, institutions, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the realization of the multi-sectoral goals of the country's health care system can be expected from the proposed analytical composition.
