Historiography of Military Clinics’ Changes in the Iraq- Iran War

Document Type : Original Research



Aims: The current study was designed in order to assess the historical formation of the military health care- named Behdari- system.

Methods: The study was conducted using a qualitative and historiography approach. Purposeful sampling of primary and secondary sources was done. At the end, 11 books, 6 articles and 5 participants were selected for an interview. Participants were asked to describe their experiences about military clinics. Then, all interviews were taped and transcribed word by word. For analyzing, all books and transcribed interviews were read by the research team members several times and significant statements were extracted and eventually historical trends were identified and historical periodization were done.

Results: Results showed that military medicine with primary backgrounds at prewar periods has passed difficult path to complete during the war in a non-classical and non-customary manner.

Conclusion: Finally, it seems that the formation of military clinics during the war period in Iran has been affected by political, social and professional factors. This has eventually created a unique structure for military clinics.
