The Role of Ozone in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds

Document Type : Review


1 Health Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;Ozone Complementary Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Ozone Therapy Center, Pontevedra, Spain


Ozone therapy has been performed to treat numerous diseases since long ago. Indications for therapy with ozone are increasing and evidence for its usefulness is growing. In the form of ozone/oxygen mixture, medical ozone is administered in various roots including auto-heamotherapy, intramuscular injection, enema, and topical applications using ozonized oils and water. Different conditions such as herniated disc, diabetic foot, age related macular degeneration, allergies, and rheumatoid diseases have benefited ozone therapy. Regarding its anti-bacterial and proliferative activity growing evidence suggests its efficacy in treating chronic wounds. Chronic wounds with various causes including diabetes, vascular diseases, chronic pressure, and osteomyelitis are increasing as the age of population increases. Chronic wounds are usually long-standing and have prolonged treatment periods with considerable costs and burdens. Medical ozone has potential anti-bacterial and proliferative activities. Increasing local blood supply, can increase the availability of oxygen and nutrients and assists repairing chronic wounds. Anti-bacterial properties of medical ozone along with its ability to activate the immune system can further aid wound healing. Describing the different mechanisms involved in wound healing by ozone therapy, it can propose new areas of research which can help solve a growing concern, named chronic wounds
