Organizational spirituality and its role in job stress of military staff

Document Type : Original Research


1 Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 AllamehTabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran


Aims: The purpose of the current study is to investigate organizational spirituality and its effects on job stress of military staff.

Method: This is a descriptive-analytic survey that was carried out through questionnaires of Job Stress and Miliman’s Spirituality. A military staff of 959 were randomly selected who filled out the forms. All data were analyzed using SPSS software.

Results: Findings showed that sample group in respect of role, a subcomponent of job stress, obtained the best condition, meaning average of 3.79 and standard deviation of 0.86, whereas regarding the subcomponent of communication they got the least, meaning the average of 2.77 and standard deviation of 0.84. With regard to subcomponent of meaning at work, sample population scored to the highest degree with the average of 3.39 and standard deviation of 1.25, while as to the subcomponent of alignment they got average of 3.24 and standard deviation of 0.83 which was the least. Additionally, multiple regression analysis suggested that there was a significant relationship between organizational spirituality and job stress.

Conclusion: Level of organizational spirituality among military staff was proper and there is a relationship between job stress and organizational spirituality as job stress can be estimated through organizational spirituality.
