Plagiarism: Concepts, Factors and Solutions

Document Type : Review


1 Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Health Management Center,

2 Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Health Research Center,


The goal of knowledge production is the discovery of facts and improving the human situation, and as such,
plagiarism and using other unethical means are not compatible with this goal. Most academic scholars agree that
plagiarism is a serious violation of publishing ethics. In recent decades, the scientific community has become
really concerned about the fast growth of plagiarism. Although plagiarism is widespread, it isn’t consistent with
the principles of science.
Nowadays some media publish worrying news of plagiarism in scientific publications, including data
manipulation by well-known scientists. The prevalence rate of plagiarism has been reported in different studies
turns out to be different in various fields, countries, educational levels and times.
The goal of this study is to review the scientific concepts related to plagiarism, its factors and roots, its
prevalence in the world and methods of detecting it in order to improve the awareness of instructors and
students of plagiarism.
