Comparison of HACCP implementation requirements in nutrition department of two military and non-military health-treatment centers

Document Type : Original Research



  Aims. Existence of HACCP system in nutrition department is one of the important factors for evaluation of health-treatment service providers. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the HACCP implementation requirements in nutrition departments of two military and non-military health -treatment centers .   Methods. In this cross-sectional study for analyzing five main axes a researcher-made questionnaire was designed ant filled after confirming its reliability and validity by interview. Data was analyzed by SPSS 17 and Mann-Whitney test.   Results. Military and non-military health-treatment centers had 77.8 and 70.8% of HACCP implementation requirements and the mean score of all five axes were 3.89 ± 1.4 and 3.54 ± 1.61, respectively. Among variables of study, only the amount of public health (from third axis) had a significant difference between two health-treatment centers (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Implementation of HACCP system is necessary in health-treatment centers and it has positive impact to improve the health of staff and patients in both satisfaction and efficiency.
