Automatic thoughts and well-being in disabled veterans of Qom

Document Type : Original Research



  Aims. This study was to investigate the relation between automatic thoughts and well-being in disabled veterans of Qom.   Methods. 452 disabled veterans with disability severity from 25 to 70% participated in this study. Participants selected by systematic categorical random sampling. Then, "automatic thoughts scale" and "personal well-being Index" performed on them.   Results. Most of the negative relationships between automatic thoughts and well-being were explained by "security feelings", "life's standards" and "healthy status". Severity of disability affected on well-being and its components in interaction with disability type. Furthermore, disability type has affected automatic thoughts, life's standards and the satisfaction of religion and spirituality.   Conclusion. Cognitive therapy help disabled veterans to relief automatic thoughts. Paying more attention to veterans with chemical and psycho-chemical disabilities provide better well-being for them.
