Cutaneous and superficial fungal diseases in military training camps of Tehran

Document Type : Original Research



  Aims. This study was to determine the frequency of cutaneous and superficial fungal diseases and identify their creating factors in 5 military training centers in Tehran.   Methods. 3000 persons were examined in military training centers for cutaneous and superficial fungal diseases. Suspected lesions to fungal disease were sampled appropriately and the samples analyzed by direct test or culturing.   Results. 390 persons (13%) had suspected lesions of fungal diseases but mycological methods proved 50 of them (1.7%) diseased. All patients were affected to superficial fungal diseases and no case of cutaneous fungal disease were seen. The frequency of Pityrosporosis, Tinea versicolor and Erythrasma were 54, 44 and 2 %, respectively.   Conclusion. Prevalence of fungal disease in an army in this study was less than expected because of good health situation and high health information in military training centers.
