The Relationship between Problem Solving Style of Chief Nurse Administrators and Effectiveness of Nurse Executives in Military Hospitals of Tehran

Document Type : Original Research



Introduction. Ef fectiveness and the problem solving ability is the key of success in management. The purpose of this study was verifying the relationship between the problem solving style of chief nurse administrators (CNA) and the activity effectiveness of nurse executives (NE) in military hospitals of Tehran. Material and Methods. 16 CNAs and 185 NEs in military hospitals of Tehran (2004) participated in a cross-sectional study. Kirton's Adaptive-Innovative questionnaire consisting 33 questions to determine problem solving style and Herssy and Blanchard questionnaire with 12 questions to determine effectiveness of managers was used. SPSS11.5 was used for statistical analysis. Results. Results showed that there was not any relationship between problem solving style and effectiveness in CNAs (p=0/1) and NEs (p=0.499). There was not any relationship between problem solving style of CNAs and effectiveness of NEs. Discussion. Most of CANs and NEs in army hospitals had an adaptive problem solving style and a non effective application. Likely, the most reason for these behaviors is militaristic setting and having a non innovative-familial style. It is suggested that planning educational courses of situational theory and problem solving styles can upgrade the situation. Further evaluation is recommended to finding the factors affecting effectiveness. 
