Survey of Tehran City Hospitals Disaster Preparedness for Disaster

Document Type : Original Research



Introducton. Communication and power failures, evacuation and resourseresources allocation were hospital challenges in disaster. hospitals Hospitals have been required to have and exercise on disaster/ emergency palnpalm . Adjusting hospital emergency incident command system (HEICS) is the standard is useding in Iran hospitals.Methods. The findings of the study showed that disaster hospitals vulnerabilityvulnerability oh hospital(3/.30 of 5) because of disaster was desirable . Performance of disaster committee (2/.85 of 5) was passable. staffStaff organize organizing informational system and capacity of critical wards were indesirableundesirable . crisisCrisis management and command system with mean score of 1/.88 of 5 and registeryregistry system (1/.66) were indesirableundesirable. finallyFinally , staff training and hospital facility in crisis situation at Tehran hospitals were passable at Tehran hospitals.sResults. Theis study,cross-sectional study, was conducted in the second half of 2004. managers Managers and chief (n=21) working at BagiyatallahBaqiyatallah(a.s) , Jamaran and Najmieh hospitals from Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, Hazrat Rasoul, Shohada-yeh Haftom-e Tir hospitals from Iran University of Medical Sciences, Taleghani and Shohada-ye Tajrish hospitals from Shahid Beheshti Medical University and Emam , and Shariati hospitals from Tehran University of Medical USciences, comprised thewere our study population. The data was collected by a self-constructed questionnaire and check list. Content validity and test-retest were used to determine validity and reliability of the instrument. Data analysis was carried out throgh with SPSS 11, using, Anova ANOVA and Tukey tests.Discussion. Disasters are typically viewed described as low probablelity events yet highwith great impacts events. In the disasterous situations, the number of patients presenting to the medical facility facilities within a the hospitals increases. Manageres Meantime, of health care managers organizations must be meantime recognition of riskze the risk , to proceed forwith enhansmentenhancement of power, and standards, and decreasdecrease of risk resuling fromthe disasters consequences.
