Evaluation of injury severity in traumatized Patients at Al Zahra Medical ///academic centter

Document Type : Original Research



Accidents are increased among developing countries. To evaluate the severity ofsuch injuries
(secendery prevention), many different scoring system have been devised so far.
One of the most common system in this regard is injury Severity Scoring (ISS) which we used in
our study to score traumatized patients reffered to emergency services aI Al Zahra medtcale center, Isfah, Iran.
Prospectively, 380 traumatized patients were chosen for this study. All the cases involved were
transfered to the emergency services of Al Zahra hospital which is an academic center affiliated
to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Special sheets were already prepared to enlist patients required information such as age, sex, trauma type, literacy status, etc.
The collected date were then analyzed with T test and regression test using spss software.
P values of less than 0.05 were considered significant.
As many as 83% of patients were men and 70% of all the cases were literate.Traumas were
penetrating in 50.5% To of all. The age ofpatients ranged between 26.3 -14.15 years. The period of
hospitalization varied from 7 .59 - 5.32 days.Those with blunt trauma stayed for 7.37 - 7.71 days
while it was 3.2 to 6.9 days for penetrating ones. (P=0.0001) Blunt traumas occurred more
frequently in women while men experienced penetrating traumas more. (P=0.03) Head traumas
were more severe in woman (P=0.02) and also in blunt traumas (P=0.01)
The ISS value varied from 8.9 to 12.63 and was usually higher in blunt traumas than in penetrating ones (P=0.003). No relations between age and ISS could be sought.The findings revealed that compared with penetrating traumas, trauma severity score is higher in blunt traumas. Besides, there were no significant relations between sex and trauma severity.
