Prevalence of psychologocal Disorders and work Fatigue among Pilots

Document Type : Original Research



This study was carried out in 1990 on 35 randomry selected pilots in the Revolutionary Guards,
aimed at identifying the prevalence rate of psychological disorders and work fatigue. The stud1,
was based on the SCL90 method. The required data was collected using the SCL90 test and the work fatigue test. This information was analyzed by spss. The result revealed that the overall
indicator of the severity of the illness among the group under survey was higher than normal
society. Generally, about 8.5%
of them suffer from psychological disorders. The prevarence of
the following symptoms was higher than the rest: obsession, paranoia, depression and anxiety.
Furthermore, among 8.5% of the pilots, sever work fatigue was observed. This study also showed a significant reration between work Fatigue and the prevalence rate of psychological
Disorders. This relation was mostly observed between work Fatigue and physical complaints,
anxiety and depression. Based on these results, researchers made following suggestions:
Modification and improvement in the recruiting system of the piloting students, use of
accredited psychological toors in the recruiting system, providing consultations for reduction of
stress in pilots, and arranging
“how to encounter stress,, courses for pilots.
