Radioactive Pollution Produced by a Nuclear attack In Herbal Sources

Document Type : Original Research



After a nuclear attack or a similar accident, radioactive pollution is distributed in the environment
This contamination enters different elements of the environment such as atmosphere,
aquasphere, geosphere and also animals and vegetables .Man as the most important element of the environment
can be exposed to chemotoxicity and radiotoxicity of radioactive contamination from physical
elements of the environment , herbal and animal sources.
Meanwhile, vegetables as the main and basic source of human foodstuff which are consumed after processing or directly considered important.
So these parameters absorbable radioactive contamination in the herbal environment important
Radionuclides, quality and quantity of their adsorption in different vegetables, effective in adsorption , radionuclide accumulation in the plant, velocity and quality of contamination transfer to animals, animal products, and the man specially by vegetable foods.
Recognizing the quality and quantity of these cases as a whole to the people in general and specially organizations in charge of decision making gives the ability to determine our strategy against herbal
Sources which have important effects in different aspects of human life in a nuclear war, and will
Determine how use these sources in short and long term.
