Genetically modified biological agents and their hidden hazards

Document Type : Original Research



New revolution in biology began in the 1970s with a set of techniques known as genetrc
engineering, or recombinant DNA technology and has since been expanded by development of
rapid DNA sequencing technology. These techniques are similar to a two-edged sword.
Providing an increasing number of methods for producing ofbiotechnology’s products such as
foods, drugs and vaccines, although shed new light on methods to producing genetically modified
or transgenic organisms. The potential types of novel biological agents that could be produced
through genetic engineering are new microorganisms
that have never exited benign microorganisms, genetically altered to produce a toxin, or bio regulator microorganisms
increased pathogenicity microorganisms resistant to antibiotics, standard vaccines and therapeutics immunologically altered microorganisms able to defeat standard identification, detection and diagnostic methods microorganisms with altered antigenic structures microorganisms with enhanced aerosol, environmentalstability and microorganisms that specifically harm certain target populations.
For producing of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineers apply horizontal genr transfer techniques. They have made a huge variety of artificial constructs to crross species barriers and to invadegenomes. The artificial constructs or transgenic DNA typically contain genetic matherial from bacteria, viruses and other genetic parasites These constructs are structurally unstable and enhace Horizontal gene transfer. may spread transgens to entire biosphere.
