Maxillofacial Fractures: incidence, etiologi and treatment, a 5-year study

Document Type : Original Research



The causes and incidence of facial fractures are various and continue to change studies form
Nigeria, Libya, Europe, and the United States showed that traffic accidents were the most frequent
cause of facial fractures. Now, assaults are the most common cause of facial
Both the incidence and etiology of maxillofacial fractures vary from one country to another.
Reports on the causes and incidence of maxillofacial fractures in Middle Eastetn countries are few.
No reports on the incidence and etiology of maxillofacial injuries in Iran have been punlished.
Our study evaluated 211 maleand 26 female patients 3 to 73 years of age. The age, sex, cause of
injury, site of injury. type of injure , treatment modalities and complications were evaluated. There
were 173 mandibular, 33 maxillary. 32 zygomatic, 57 zygomatico - orbital, and 5 cranial, 5 nasal
and 4 frontal injuries. Regarding distribution of mandibular fractures the most 32%, were seen in
the condylar region. 29.3% in the symphyseal - parasymphyseal region 20% in the angle region.
12.5% in the body 3.1 in the ramus, 1.9% in the dentoalveolar, and 1.2% in the coronoid region.
The distrbution of maxillary fractures was: LeFort II in 18, LeFort I in 8, LeFort III in 4, and
alveolar in 3, Car accidents caused 73 (30.8%), motorcycle accidents 55 (23.2%) , falls 48 (20.3%)
alercations 23 (9.7%), sports l5 (96.3%), and warfare 23 (9.7%) of the mascullofacial injuries. In
this study road accidents (cars and motorcycles) were the most common cause of these fractures
and cornprised 54% of the etiology ofthe fractures.
