Faunestic Study of Arthropods and Rodent in Imam Khomeyni amry Garrison in Jahrom

Document Type : Original Research



Arthropods are the biggest group of invertebrate animals and due to their great morphological and
physiological adaptation they are compatible with many ecosystems. They are the most imponant
and biggest enemy of human being regarding to economic and medical issues. They directly
(biting, sting, noise) and indirectly (transmitting pathogenic agents) cause many Health problems to
human. Presence of crowded people and human group congregation in army garrisons and
barracks, veteran, refugees camps and in unexpected events such as earthquake, lack of basic
health facilities could accelerate the occurrence of epidemics diseases by arthropods. Hence
acknowledge of arthropod fauna is a necessary means for make decision and strategy in the
mentioned places and situations.
There are numerous many garrisons in Jahrome county where its climate is tropical and is associated to some arthropods borne diseases such as Leishmaniasis. This study was conducted to
identify arthropod fauna in Jahrom Imam Khomeini garrison. Samples were collected from there
using different collection methods such as light traps, aspirator and nets from autumn 2001 till
antumn 2002. Results showed that the collected samples belong two subphylums, two classes, 8
orders, I3 families, l2 subfamilies, l6 genera, 21 species, plus 9 rodents belongs to one species.
Among the identified arthropods, there were some important medically diseases such as
Phlebotomus sergenti and Ph. papatasi which are probable Zoonotic Cuataneous Leishmaniasis
(ZCL). These results highlight the importance of faunestic studies and could help workers involved
in control programmers.
