Evaluation of Measles Immunity in Soldiers of sepah Pasdaran Earth Soree of Tehran in 2002-2003

Document Type : Original Research



Measles is a contagious respiratory viral infection that accompanied with skin rash and koplicks
spote. Vaccination against measles caused reduction of this disease in world but miniepidemic of
measles was occurred in young adult and is an important health problem for our country.
This study was done for the response evaluation of immunity against measles in soldiers of Sepah
Pasdaran earth force. In this study a total 360 soldiers was evaluated and tooke a question or chart
contain of age, education level, history of measles, history of contact with measles case, measles in
family and history of vaccination against measles were obtained and IgG and IgM confirmed with
ELISA Test with level of cut- off OD in 5 ml blood that taken from each cases. Data was
computerisd and analysed with SPSS program.
In this study total of cases were man with mean age of 20.46 + 0.89 and 22.5% were serologic
negative. Increased education level have direct relation with serologic positively and was
significant difference (P < 0.02).
The over all history of vaccination was 21.3% negative anrl 78.7o/o positive. lgM was 5l.l%
positive. Because a total 22.8% was not protective against measles and recent outbreak of measles
in Iran. vaccination are recommended be offered for soldiers and young adult.
