Analyzing medical management in disasters: A Review of the Bam Earthquake experiences

Document Type : Original Research



Iran because if its size geographical location, and climatical diversity is among the most disastrous countries in the world earthquake, both on the economic devastation and loss of life, is the most devastating natural disaster. In the last 10 years, there have been about 950 earthquakes in iran and as result 37,600 people were killed and 53,300 injured. These figure do not include casulties of bam earthquake.
Crisis from natural disasters special management system. Disaster management system in Iran, because of encountering several natural disasters and a long-lasting recent war, has enogh exprience in this regard, specially in using non-governmental emergency systems, such as red crescent and basij. However, in the past, disaster manegement were mainly limited to the rescue, saving lives and reconstructions after the disaster and other dimensions of crisis manegement including prevention (reducing the effect of disaster) and readiness to respond and quickness of response in an effective way and also an organized management seems to be lacked. In this paper, we will discuses the medical management in bam earthquake. We will discuss the management of the human resources, traportation of injured, equipment and medical care personnel and suggestions will be given to overcome some of the problems in the disaster management.
