Assistance-Medical Operations of Medical Department of Sepah in bam earthquake

Document Type : Original Research



Bam earthquake has been one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in recent years. Considerig the presence of military forces in search and rescue missions, medical and assistance activities done by the medical department of sepah in this event in light of the importance of military forces’ special characteristice are dicussed in this event, starting search and rescue mission in the first hour after the disaster by the first brigade of bam as the first assisting forces, setting 2 field hospitals as the first iranian field hospitals in the disaster area in the first day, settling 23 field emergency and 13 field assistance centers in thr area, settling 8-post hospital care centers over the country, T ransporting 11792 casualties to different hospitals around the country. Regarding this disaster experiences and exclusive abilities of military forces, a spesial role for these forces in search and rescue missions should be considered.
