Novel biological agents and the role of scientific monitoring

Document Type : Original Research



  The scientific developments in the areas like molecular characterization of cell components, sequencing of living organisms and infectious agents, discovery of molecular characteristics of immune defense mechanism along with genetic engineering technology have revolutionized major areas in research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. However like other scientific developments these technologies could be misused for military or unpeaceful applications. In the next two decades chemical and biological threats have been carefully considered and civil and military research institutes in developed countries are doing research with advanced technologies on new biological and chemical agents. Most of these novel agents are defined as dangerous for human health.   Generation of super virulent Mouse pox virus by genetic manipulation procedures, laboratory synthesis of Polio virus, development of new bacteria using advanced genome information and analysis and genetic recombination of Smallpox virus are examples published in scientific Journals.   Development and production of super pathogens, multiple drug resistant agents, ethnic agents, making virulent bacteria and viruses and development of novel biochemical agents are prohibited by two international conventions of biological and chemical weapons.
