Strategy of psychological intervention in disaster crisis

Document Type : Original Research



  Crisis is a kind of response to the risky events and is actually a response to the risk of each event, which is experienced in the form of a trauma and painful situation. Crisis can be limited to a few hours or lasts till many weeks. Crisis tends to activate the powerful reflections in order to help the person in diminishing the problem and brings the person back to the previous stable position in terms of excitement balance. When the person reaches the excitement balance the crisis is removed. The adjective reflections against crisis activate the potential of crisis growth, but the non-adjective responses or reflections result in deepening of the crisis, degeneration repression and appearance of psychological disorders symptoms. There are different types of crisis. Crisis is classified to different types based on factors like, intensity, type of source, nature and the methods of confronting crisis. One of them is crisis caused by natural disasters. The crisis like divorce, loosing a beloved person, internal torture or punishment, stress, loosing properties, homelessness and immigration are among the types that are mostly caused by natural disasters. Psychological effects of accident crisis are lose, guilt – ulcering, stress and migration. Regardless of the type of crisis they have nearly common specifications, symptoms, phases and confrontation methods (intervention methods).   In this article we have tried to compile and supply the most important and basic psychological principles and methods strategies of intervention in crisis with the emphasis on the crisis caused by events and accidents, through relying on scientific resources and utilizing clinical experiences. The method of collecting information is library and clinical. We have tried to recognize, discuss and analyze the inter-venture methods in crisis that are in compliance with the society’s cultural situation and related to the crisis caused by events and accidents. 
