Iraq’s geographical pathology

Document Type : Original Research



  Iraq with a population of around 23 million people is an important and strategic country in the Middle East. Regarding it’s long border line with Iran and the great number of people traveling between the two countries, the necessity of knowleged about geographical pathology of Iraq plays an important role in keeping health standards and preventing infectious disease.   The current study is a descriptive-transactional study in which the data in the filed of infectins disease were collected and analyzed. for this analysis, various sources such as books, magazines, Internet sites particularly afficial site of WHO, Pub Med., Rose-net and CDC were used.   Based on the collected information and the results of this study, different diseases such as Malaria, Measles, Typhoid fever, Hepatitis type E, Pertussis, Cholera and Diphtheria were considered widespread in Iraq and every year we winess innumerous outbreaks of the aforementioned diseases in Iraq. Necessary to mention that over the past years several wars has agitated the health condition of the Iraq people evermore and this has also effected and disturbed the health and treatment reporting procedures like other affairs of Iraq.   This living condition of people has especially effected their health and treatment status in a way comparing to other countries in the region, Iraqi people are in a very desirable health and treatment condition. The present condition is critically threatening to Iraqi people, the people traveling to the country and the neighboring countries. Therefore, the recognition of the epidemic diseases in Iraq would health and treatment personel in border cities and the military forces in the mentioned regions in executing preventive actions and can prevent damages caused by mentioned disease to Iran. 
