Evaluation of the casualties treatment referred from the front's hospitals to Shohada Hospital

Document Type : Original Research



  One of the most important duties of military forces is to treat the wonders of war and to solve their medical problems.   In this study we reviewed the war trauma patients that were admitted in surgical ward of Shohada Hospital between 1984 and 1986   Retrospectively 151 patients were studied which there were 374 traumatic injuries in chest, abdomen, extremities, head and neck.   Treatment of the patients who died underwent reoperation or developed complication were interpreted as mismanaged patients   Overall 222 (60%) of the patients injuries had appropriate managements, 128 (34%) cases were mismanaged and data of 24 (6%) cases were not available, the most frequent injuries were 64 (42.38%) cases of colorectal injuries, with 36 (56.25%) mismanaged and the less frequent injury was pancreatic injury 2 cases (1/32 %) With 0% mismanagement   One of the most important points in our study was about the validity of medical records of patient before arrival at Shohada Hospital.   Unfortunately 82 cases (54.3%) had invalid and unusefull records, 45.7% of records were good enough to evaluate. Thus, we have to revise the medical guidelines in our military forces and make the physicians to manage the victims. Although standard documents is one of necessities. 
