Geographical Pathology of Turkmenistan

Document Type : Original Research



Aims. Turkmenistan , one of the newly-independent countries of the former Soviet :::union:::, borders the Islamic Republic of IRAN through Mazandaran, Golestan and Khorasan provinces. The expansion of relationships between the two countries in recent years has increased cross-border travels, affecting the health of those inhabiting the adjacent areas. Information is available on endemic infectious diseases in Turkmenistan. This study was carried out to assess the geographical pathology and health situation of Turkmenistan. Methods. In this study, common infectious diseases and health situation of Turkmenistan has been assessed using scientific Journals and the Internet. Results. Data indicate that the health situation of Turkmenistan is not desirable as the prevalence of diseases such as malaria (incidence rate 3 in 100000) and T.B (incidence rate 44.7 in 100000) have been on the increase in recent years and AIDS, hepatitis B (15-30% carrier), hepatitis C, gonorrhea (incidence rate 32.4 in 100000), syphilis (incidence rate 37.5 in 100000), C utaneous and Visceral leishmaniasis and sand-fly fever are common. Conclusion. Turkmenistan borders Mazandaran, Golestan and Khorasan Provinces to prevent probable transmission of diseases into our country, it is necessary to expand health surveillance in border areas and inform the military personnel deployed there about the health situation and common infectious diseases. 
