Introducing Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS) and HEICS Implementation in Iran Hospitals

Document Type : Original Research



Aims. At the time of disaster, hospitals play role as the most important unit in rendering treatment services. Actually one of the worldwide protocols in disaster management especially in hospital commanding which has ability of facing crisis in each scale is Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS) a standard by which the medical community has found success and common ground in the area of disaster management. The following is an outline of the suggested phases which may be necessary to implement the Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS) Program into Iran hospitals and also the substitution rules for adjusting HEICS positions.Methods. Assessment and matching of HEICS organizational chart with the same common charts in Iran hospitals, HEICS implementation experience in American and European hospitals. Results. Review of both organizational charts suggests that HEICS positions could be readily substituted by current Iranian ordinary hospital positions however certain revisions should be performed. In this regard we tend to categorize all HEICS positions into three distinct groups, including: A - Positions which are initially available with exactly correspondent titles and job descriptions. B - Positions, which can be easily filled with some personnel who have the ability in advance however, they need to be addressed briefly (e.g. a general surgeon as the Triage unit leader) . C - Few others, which their equivalent jobs are not available in Iranian hospitals, can be alternated with a related specialist after a comprehensive training course (e.g. Psychological Support Unit Leader)Conclusion. Taken together, HEICS implementation in Iran hospitals obligates steps include HEICS Concept Briefing Commitment to Adopt the HEICS Plan Establishment of the HEICS Implementation Committee Management Briefing Revision of the Hospital's Disaster/Emergency Plan and the last and the most is proper choosing of responsible persons for related positions. 
