Psychological Assessment of the Soldiers of Material and Logistics Command of a Military Unit

Document Type : Original Research



Aims.This study has been performed in order to obtain a general concept of the psychological situation of the new soldiers of the “Materiel and Logistics Command ship” of a military unit and to prevent abnormal behaviors.Methods. All soldiers of four training courses of Shahid Hemmat boot camp (N= 4196) were selected and studied. SCL-90-R and individual questionnaire and interview was used for data collection. Data were analyzed by statistical methods (Mean, standard deviation and t-test).Results. The results of this study showed that, 16.2% of the studied sample had some degree of psychological problems. Married people had more psychological problems than the singles also those with one of their parents died showed more problems than those who have lost both (or have both their parents alive). These problems were more seen in the soldiers who were the householder. Psychological problems were more in soldiers who have lost their father than those who have their father alive. The results showed that the most common symptoms are related to obsessive-compulsive, paranoid thoughts, interpersonal sensitivity and somatoform complaints. Conclusion. An interview was conducted for the soldiers who were considered to have psychological problems. Based on the results of the test and interview, decision for continuing their military service and their deployment was made so that, they wouldn’t meet hazardous situations. Therefore it is recommended to consider this in deployment of soldiers with psychological problems.
