Assessment of Prevalence of Otomycosis in ENT Clinic in Baqiyatallah (a.s.) Hospital

Document Type : Original Research



Aims. Otomycosis is a prevalent fungal infection of external ear that is seen in tropical and subtropical climates of world. That is one of the most ordinary problems specially observed by ENT MDs. The study was done on patients who had reffered to ENT clinic for 2 years (2002-2004). Methods. 35 patients (23 cases were male and 12 cases were female) were studied with clinical diagnosis of otomycosis. In order to diagnosis the disease, samples were directly observed in 10% KOH preparation and were cultured in two media: saborou dextrose agar with and without chloramphenicol. We used laboratory methods and different separated test for determining fungal species. Results. In this study among 20 cases with Para clinical diagnosis of otomycosis about 12 cases were male (34.3%) and 8 cases were female (22.8%). Most cases were in age group 30-40 years old. The separated fungal factors were: Aspergillus niger 14 cases (43.7%), candida albicans 5 cases (15.6%), Aspergillus fumigatus 4 cases (12.5%), other Aspergillus SP. 3 cases (9.4%), Aspergillus glucous, penicillium SP., candida SP., From each 2 cases (6.2%). Conclusion. In this study the most frequent separated fungi from affected patients were Aspergillus and candida species. That is in accordance with the other studies of researchers in Iran and other countries. Since the prevalence of otomycosis was 57.1% among our patients, accurate preventive and diagnostic measures are necessary. The present study shows that otomycosis cannot be diagnosed based solely on clinical symptoms and it needs laboratory confirmation. 
