Biosafety regulations and code of conducts on mlitary medicine Research complying with biological Weapons Convention

Document Type : Original Research



Military medicine and biodefense research is vital for protection against weapons of mass destructions’ specially threat of chemical and biological warfare and bioterrorism. Great advances in the life sciences, like biotechnology, genetic engineering and molecular biology have created a pressing need for steps that must be taken to reduce this threat to humanity. The biosafety regulations and code of conduct for scientists may provide a tool nationally adopted by each state party to the BWC convention in implementation of its obligations under the convention and in accordance with its constitutional process and put into force within its territory. The scientists should be encouraged to convene seminars, workshops and prepare research papers to raise the awareness. Training programs and materials on biosafety requlations and, GLP (good laboratory practice) and biomedical ethics should also be improved and inserted in university curricula. Codes of conduct should not leave individuals and scientists with the impression that codes are designed against them or their scientific activities. Due respect should be extended to the scientific community as members of the society who serve the noble objectives of humanity through the advancement of science. Wider contributions by the scientists in promotion. The promotion of international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange of information according to article X of the BWC regarding results of scientific research constitutes yet another effective assurance for the use of biosciences to remain peaceful. Codes of conduct should avoid any restrictions on exchange of scientific discoveries in the field of biology for research, development, prevention, diagnosis and treatment or disease and other peaceful purposes.